Welcome to our new Socialist Party website. We are archiving our old website and launching socialistparty.ie.
We hope it will provide an important tool in developing a socialist analysis of the crisis of capitalism, gripping Ireland and the world, and a guide to action and struggle against the oppression, misery and inequality that capitalism breeds. Below is a guide to some of the features that hopefully you will browse and use regularly.
News, analysis & alternatives
This new site aims to bring daily news and analysis of national, and international events from a socialist perspective. We will be reporting on the protests, struggles, strikes and social movements from Ireland and around the world that the mainstream media either ignore or vilify our ‘News & Analysis’ section. Together with the columns from Joe Higgins TD and Paul Murphy MEP, ‘News & Analysis’ will seek to bust through the propaganda of the mainstream media and parties, analysing key topics such as the economy, the environment and the unemployment crisis from a working class perspective, and outlining the socialist alternatives.Socialists have always been internationalists, never more so than in this era of global climate change and world wide economic turmoil. This website will seek to reflect that, with a ‘World News’ section covering key issues across Europe and the world, including articles from socialists elsewhere in the world who are in our various sister groups, as part of the Committee for a Workers International.
Theory & History: We must all educate ourselves
We believe we must all educate ourselves to assist in building a socialist alternative to the capitalist system. With that in mind this site will also lay a particular emphasis on theory, and history. The ‘What is Socialism?‘ column will be a constant on our home page, and we hope to regularly update it with articles addressing different introductory questions people have about socialist ideas. And the ‘Theory & History’ section will also provide interesting reading for those seeking to educate themselves in socialist and Marxist ideas.
In addition, we are also launching archive.socialistparty.ie which will host various old websites of the Socialist Party, from 1999 to 2013, as well as old leaflets, newspapers and journals from the last 15 years. Every week, new material from there will also be featured in our ‘From the Archives’ section on this site as well.
All this to your email, once a week!
Finally, we are also launching a new email newsletter, which will be sent out once a week with latest news, analysis and updates. This is a great way to ensure you do not miss any articles, and also that you get the latest updates and information, so please make sure to subscribe below or go one better and get involved with the Socialist Party today.
Some articles, such as this one, will also have comments open so you can leave us feedback, so why not go ahead and let us know what you think of the site, or any additional features you’d like to see, in the comments down below?