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34 posts
Review: Fahrenheit 11/9
Directed by Michael Moore Reviewed by Dean O’Donnell For many workers and young people seeking to understand the…
World economy: The growing risks of a global downturn
By Keishia Taylor The risks of a global economic downturn are mounting. IMF chief Christine Lagarde warned that…
US: Standing against Trump’s racist border controls
By Linda Schutz At the end of June, the harrowing photo showing a drowned father and daughter lying…
Trump’s warmongering and Iran- No to imperialist war in the Middle East
By George Martin Fell Brown, member of Socialist Alternative- our sister organisation in the US> The United States…
Brutal attack on abortion rights in the US
By Keely Mullen, Socialist Alternative (sister organisation of the Socialist Party in Ireland) In late May, the Republican-controlled…
IMF Warns of “Growth Slowdown” – Trump Increasing Economic Instability
By Alan Jones – Socialist Alternative (our sister organisation in the US) There were stark warnings about world…
Climate change: Why capitalism is the problem
“Climate over Capitalism!” was the call of hundreds of school students in Manchester, protesting for effective measures to…
International capitalism rallies behind Venezuela’s right-wing opposition leader
From editorial of the The Socialist, paper of the Socialist Party in England and Wales The social, political…
US: Threat of workers action leads to Trump retreat
By Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative- our sister organisation in the US As we go to press, President Trump’s…
Venezuela: For mass mobilization of workers to build real socialism and put an end to corrupt bureaucracy!
By Izquierda Revolucionaria (CWI in Venezuela) Executive Committee The situation in Venezuela has reached a critical point during…