Browsing Tag
Climate change
98 posts
Climate changes creates raging fires and red skies in Australia
By Gary McDonald The current situation in Australia is a frightening glimpse of our future. The catastrophic effects…
Australia: Climate inaction and budget cuts fuel devastating bushfires
By Jeremy Trott, Socialist Action (our sister organisation in Australia) Australia is in the grip of an extreme bushfire…
2019: A turning point
By Per-Ake Westerlund from the Committee for a Workers International (CWI), the international socialist organisation to which the…
No importation of fracked gas!
By Gary McDonald “I believe we have a chance here, a chance to replace a climate of fear…
System Change not Climate Change – Who is afraid of Greta?
Alternative Socialiste, CWI Québec (sister orgaisation of the Socialist Party in Quebec) Is Greta Thunberg a young woman…
Amazon Forest – Burning the Future
“AT FIRST I thought I was fighting to save the rubber trees. Then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realise I am fighting for humanity.” Brazilian trade union leader and environmentalist, Chico Mendes who was assassinated by a cattle rancher in 1988.
Resist extinction: Make capitalism extinct
By Haritha Olaganathan Once an abstract far-fetched notion, the climate crisis has become a tangible threat to human…
Brazil: Save the environment, smash the system!
By Bruna Leão, Liberdade, Socialismo e Revolução (our sister organisation in Brazil) Since the 2018 elections, there has been…
20Q: How to Rescue the Climate from Capitalism?
By Sonja Grusch, CWI Austria The 1.8 million strong global youth strike on the 15th of March made…
Why is the Amazon burning?
By Electra Kleitsa, Xekinima (Greek Section of the CWI- the international socialist organisation to which the Socialist Party…