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204 posts
Wall Street mayhem: GameStop & the short squeeze
By Bryce Callaway, Socialist Alternative (our sister organisation in the US) The ruling class and its corporate media…
Stock market gambling & GameStop: The billionaires own the casino
By Conor Tormey The price of shares for GameStop went up 700% in the past week due to…
Global economy: With capitalism in unprecedented crisis, socialism is the answer
By John Hird (Socialismo Revolucionario — our sister organsiation in Spanish State) The recent avalanche of articles reporting…
Why the 1% are to blame for climate breakdown
By Ben Samson The word ‘crisis’ has by now become synonymous with the year 2020. It has been…
World economy scarred by Covid-19: IMF downgrades forecasts
By Manus Lenihan Covid-19 has hit the world economy even worse than expected, according to a report from…
The role of the working class in fighting racism
By Keely Mullen, Socialist Alternative USA Two nights after George Floyd was murdered, Minneapolis bus drivers received an…
Covid-19: Capitalism Rushes to Re-Open as Pandemic Grows
By Bill Hopwood, ISA Canada Around the world, countries are lifting the restrictions that were introduced to contain…
US: Socialists and the state — how to end racist policing
By Tom Crean, Socialist Alternative USA The nature of policing in the United States is inseparable from the…
US: Minneapolis Council Makes Big Promises in Response to Rebellion
By Socialist Alternative (our sister organisation in the US) Two weeks after the dawn of a working-class rebellion,…
Black Lives Matter in the North: Hypocrisy of Politicians and Police
By Daniel Waldron On Saturday, June 6, thousands of people gathered at Black Lives Matter rallies in Belfast…