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Theory & History
285 posts
“Troubled Times” republished – a Marxist guide to the national question
The national question is probably the most debated question in Irish politics. And for good reason! Irish history,…
Gustave Courbet, Realism and the Paris Commune
By Conor Burke Gustave Courbet Was a French painter from the rural town of Ornans in the east…
“Spurn the dust to win the prize” — 150 years since the Paris Commune
By Harper Cleves 150 years ago this month, history was made when working-class Parisians established the Paris Commune…
Film review: Dear Comrades!
Reviewed by Manus Lenihan Dear Comrades!, a film directed and written by renowned filmmaker Andrei Konchalovsky, tells the…
Revolutionary anniversary — 130 Years since birth of Antonio Gramsci
By Massimo Amadori from Resistenze Internazionali — our sister organisation in Italy Antonio Gramsci is certainly one of…
Revolutionary Beethoven
By Bill Hopwood- Socialist Alternative — our sister organisation in Canada This December 250 years ago Ludwig Beethoven…
The bitter legacy of Margaret Thatcher
By Mike Forster (Socialist Alternative- our sister organisation in England, Wales and Scotland) Thirty years ago, Margaret Thatcher…
Review: The Return of Nature
The Return of Nature By John Bellamy Foster Monthly Review Press, 2020 Reviewed by Keishia Taylor John Bellamy…
Engels, Marx & the “Irish Question”
A lesser known aspect of Marx and Engels’ work is their attention to events and processes in Ireland.…
John Hume from civil rights to peace process – A critical assessment
On 3 August, John Hume, former leader of the nationalist SDLP, passed away at the age of 83.…