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Special Features

81 posts
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What the GSOC controversy exposed

The political and media rumpus created over issues relating to the Garda force has abated for the time being as the main issues have been kicked to various investigations. There were so many different strands in play that it was sometimes difficult to keep abreast of developments. It is however important with hindsight to analyse why the main protagonists such as the government and the Garda management reacted as they did, in order to clearly understand which interests they defend.
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A socialist voice joins Seattle City Council

Who would have imagined that in a major American city, at a post election inauguration ceremony attended by 1,000 people, a new, directly elected Mayor and other members of the City Council would be completely eclipsed by the response of the attendance to a Socialist Councillor? That was the situation in Seattle on 6 January. Socialist Alternative Councillor Kshama Sawant, in her speech, roundly denounced the problems which ‘crisis ridden capitalism’ causes for working class people, called for workers to organise, for a new party of the working class as an alternative to the Republican and Democratic Party politicians and for socialist change.