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37 posts
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Local & Euro Elections 2019: Green Surge & Lacklustre Performance for Political Establishment

A very significant surge for the Greens, huge loss of seats for Sinn Fein, and losses for the Left were the headline stories of Local and European Elections May 2019. While the elections absolutely did not represent any ringing endorsement for the Government or political establishment, the combination of the impact of a late Greens surge, and a low turnout amongst the harder pressed sections of the working class, impinged significantly on the Left’s vote.
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Taking a stand against fracking

Leading anti-fracking campaigner and Socialist Party member Donal O'Cofaigh has been selected by anti-fracking activists to stand as a local election candidate in Enniskillen in May. Here he outlines the importance of the election campaign and the fight for a seat to strengthen the movement to stop fracking beyond the elections.