Campaigns & Issues
Joe Higgins: “Fine Gael’s new Health Policy a Charter for Privatisation”
Fine Gael recently launched its new Health policy called FairCare. The party claims its proposals ‘represent the most fundamental reform of the health system since the formation of the State.’ The new policy involves a massive surge in privatisation and ‘marketisation’ of health care. It essentially hands the running of our Health Service to private insurance companies.
Home help cuts hurt the vulnerable
By Councillor Mick Barry
CUTBACKS IN the home help service are taking a heavy toll in human misery. Just before Christmas, Eamonn Timmins of Age Action Ireland went public on the story of a 94 year old woman who had been put on a three-year waiting list for home help services.
Fighting Fees Update
Updates for UCC, UCD, Waterford and elsewhere
Dismantling the health service – €1.2 billion cuts only the start
By Councillor Mick Barry
HEALTH MINISTER Mary Harney and the HSE are planning ?1.2 billion worth of cutbacks this year and this is sure to be added to in the emergency budget scheduled for early April.
In recent weeks St. James’ Hospital and Tallaght Hospital have been told that their HSE funding for 2009 is to be slashed by ?12 million each and Beaumont Hospital has been told that its funding has been slashed by ?11 million. The HSE meeting in March is expected to announce proposals for closure of some smaller hospitals.
Harney butchers healthcare in Mid West
By Cian Prendiville
IN A report published in January, plans were announced to effectively close the casualty departments in Ennis, Nenagh and St. John's (Limerick) hospitals, replacing them with nurse-led minor injury units, unable to treat emergencies.
200 protest in Coleraine while Assembly review fees

OVER 200 students protested against fees at the University of Ulster on 2 December 2008. Protests supposed to be organised on the same day by Queen’s Students’ Union and NUS-USI (Student Union organisation) were called off for an Assembly “review” on fees.