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Campaigns & Issues

227 posts
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26 November – Join the demo against Budget cuts

Following an initiative by the five ULA TDs in August, a succession of meetings took place between representatives from the more fighting sections of the trade union movement and community sector about putting in a joint effort for a pre budget demonstration. This will take place on Saturday 26 November beginning at 12pm at the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Street, Dublin.

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Blanchardstown Hospital: Staff and community must act to save A&E

The HSE has cut the funding of Connolly Hospital from €104 million in 2009 to €84 million in 2011 – a massive 20% in two years when the number of patients treated has increased by 10%. This must become a major issue in the Dublin West by election and the two Ministers in the area, Burton and Varadkar, put under pressure.

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What the frack?

Hydraulic Fracturing or “fracking” is a technique for extracting gas from deep within shale rock and coal beds. It looks set to become big oil’s newest gold rush and, as usual, their desperation for profit makes them blind to the environmental costs of their folly.

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Come to the United Left Alliance National Forum

Fianna Fail and their cronies in big business have wrecked the country. However, Fine Gael and Labour have shown that they represent more of the same. As much as they try to blame the old government for the crisis, they are responsible for continuing the disastrous bailouts and have promised further unfair taxes, privatisations and cuts in jobs and public services.