Campaigns & Issues
Campaign Against Household & Water Taxes – what next?
The Campaign Against Household & Water Taxes (CAHWT) meets on 19 May for its first conference. This follows a period of hectic activity, public meetings, postering and protests in order to establish a campaign and the highest possible boycott level of the household tax.
Archaic ban on pregnant student
The case of a pregnant 16 year old being refused a place in a private Catholic school in Munster has caused widespread shock and disgust. The issue came to light in a report from the Ombudsman for Children’s rights.
X Case legislation defeated – Time for a new struggle for abortion rights
Unsurprisingly, the Bill proposed by Socialist Party / United Left Alliance TD, Clare Daly to legislate for the X Case, was overwhelming defeated in the Dail. The establishment fail yet again; women suffer, and working class and economically deprived women who can’t or find it difficult to muster the money to travel to access a termination, and migrant women and women trapped in abusive relationships who have restrictions on their travel, suffer most acutely.
For a woman’s right to choose
The following is the text of a leaflet distributed by the Socialist Party at a recent protest demanding legislation on the X case.
World warming even faster than thought
2010 is now thought to be the warmest year on record. Previously, the accelerated warming of the arctic was insufficiently taken into account by one of the main global temperature records. Now, new data paints a dramatic picture of our warming planet: due to a sharp rise in carbon dioxide output from industrial activity over the last two decades, the world is warming faster than we thought.
Household Tax: Sinn Fein fall short of what’s needed
Nine TDs have voiced full support for the Campaign Against Household and Water Taxes and its call for mass non-registration and mass non-payment of the tax.
Abortion rights now – Socialist Party supports X Case Bill
The Bill that Socialist Party TD Clare Daly and Deputies Joan Collins and Mick Wallace have written and brought forward to the Dáil coincides with the 20th anniversary of the X Case, when a 14 year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped by a neighbour was prevented by the High Court from travelling to England for an abortion. Two weeks later, after massive public pressure and protests, the Supreme Court upheld her right to an abortion in England on the basis that her life was threatened because of the risk of suicide.
International Women’s Day 2012 – Remembering the struggles & victories of women workers
For more than a century, 8 March has been the day to commemorate and celebrate the fight of working class and revolutionary women for a better deal and a socialist society. Its origins are in the struggles for equal pay and decent conditions amongst women in the USA in the 19th century.
Septic Tank Charge: Don’t register, don’t pay!
A major campaign of opposition to the septic tank charge and the Household Tax has developed throughout rural Ireland with meetings of 400-500 in Donegal Town and Malin in Donegal and 500 plus in Newcastle West, County Limerick. In some cases opportunist establishment politicians are helping organise these meetings but Fianna Fail and Fine Gael are largely responsible for the failure to provide an adequate modern waste water infrastructure and they will be found out in the course of the genuine campaign which is being built.
No tolerance for racist bigotry
The issue of racism has reared its ugly head as it recently made news headlines. The conviction of Stephen Lawrence’s killers gave us a sinister reminder of the worst consequences of racism. Just as with the brutal murder of Toyosi Shittabey in 2010, we must use these incidents as a wake-up call to stamp out the possibility of such horrific tragedies happening.