Campaigns & Issues
Statement by the Socialist Party on water metering & charging
The proposal by the government and Irish Water to install millions of water meters on homes is reactionary and profit-driven and has nothing to do with water conservation. Meters will facilitate the charging of individuals / families for the use of a basic necessity, currently paid for through central taxation.
Environment: Climate change accelerates
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the main cause of global warming, has reached a critical level. Carbon dioxide is released by the burning of coal, gas and oil, so called fossil fuels.
Environment: China’s pollution overload
People in China’s cities are choking on smog. This past winter the capital Beijing, and other northern cities, suffered their worst air pollution readings on record.
LGBTQ liberation in the US – more than putting a ring on it
Forty-four years ago at a gay bar in New York City’s Greenwich Village, a group of transsexuals, cross-dressers, drag queens, lesbians, and gay men fought back against their constant persecution by the New York Police Department and inadvertently started the modern fight for gay liberation. They would not believe the progress that queer people have made in the last 44 years!
Why you should oppose the G8
This year’s G8 summit will be held in Fermanagh on 17 – 18 June. This gathering brings together the heads of government of eight of the world’s largest capitalist economies to discuss how they can further the interests of those they represent – the super-rich, big business and the bankers.
Socialist Party on the draft X Case Bill
The Draft Bill legislating for X case is designed to placate reactionary elements of Fine Gael and seeks to criminalise and punish women in crisis pregnancies. The pro-choice movement must mobilise to exert maximum pressure on the government to remove the worst provisions in the draft and maintain the fight for a referendum to repeal eighth amendment.
Public meeting: 1913 women & the lockout
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the 1913 lockout when the bosses of Dublin tried to starve the working class of Dublin into submission and smash the emerging Irish Transport and General Workers Union (ITGWU) led by Jim Larkin and James Connolly.
ROSA International Women’s Day Protest
International Women's Day Protest - 6pm at the Spire, Friday 8 March
- Stand up for women's right to choose
- Stop violence against women
- Rage against rape
- Oppose austerity & the assault on the public sector
Doha climate talks dead-end
The latest UN-sponsored climate talks in Doha in December ended in total failure – just as previous summits have. Friends of the Earth called the talks a "disaster zone" and Greenpeace asked of the negotiators: "What planet are you on?" As usual, the capitalist politicians taking part tried to talk up the outcome. Ed Davey, Lib Dem climate change minister, claimed that "it is genuine progress... It is a bigger step forward than people have given us credit for".