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Campaigns & Issues
227 posts
Water Charges protest in Jobstown: Our answer to Leo Varadkar
After 6 years of savage austerity and bullying, ordinary people are fighting back and you better listen!
AAA opposes South Dublin County Council budget
AAA opposes double property tax robbery in budget while Sinn Fein, Labour, Greens vote in favour. Out of the €32.65m collected in Property Tax in the County, only a meagre €2.5m is kept in SDCC.
AAA Cllr Michael O’Brien: “Will Minister condemn Garda violence?”
Anti-Austerity Alliance Responds to Minister Varadkar’s ‘sinister fringe’ comments. How much further are the government prepared to go to implement water charge in face of mass opposition?
Mass non-payment can bury this charge
This government is in trouble on the issue of the water charges and now they know it. 1 million unreturned forms will all add to a sense of frenzied panic in the corridors of Leinster House. They fear that this massive revolt will turned into massive non-payment of these charges and they are right.
“This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate” by Naomi Klein
Naomi Klein’s newly published book is a welcome and much needed addition to the debates on how to tackle global warming.
Joe Higgins on how water charges were beaten in 1996
In December 1996, the now Labour Party Minister for Public Expenditure, Brendan Howlin – at that time Minister…
Abortion ban must go
[highlight]Statement from ROSA to Coalition to Repeal the 8th Conference. ROSA is an anti-capitalist, pro-choice women’s rights group,…
Suicidal rape victim denied abortion; 8th amendment must go
Under new act women are being treated as vessels without basic human rights While protecting the identity of…
Pride 2014: Step up the fight for full equality
The huge change of attitudes in Ireland to LGBTQ people which has taken place over the last decades has been clearly shown this year.
Passing of Housing Bill will kick 50,000 families off Housing Waiting Lists
The Housing Bill which will be voted on today is one of the most regressive and anti-social pieces of legislation introduced by this or any government.