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Private profiteering leads to school closures
By Councillor Matt Waine The school crisis that has emerged in the last week is a disaster. 1,200…
Property tax at advanced stage
The International Monetary Fund has called for the property tax on the family home due to come in next year to be introduced at a "suitably high level". Cabinet meetings are due to restart on 4 September and it is likely that the assessment method and the level of the tax will be decided at one of the first few meetings.
Mass campaign of non-payment only way to defeat regressive tax
The first three months of 2012 could turn out to be an historic period in the modern political and social life of this State. It could be when the quiet majority of the population takes a decisive stand against shouldering any more burdens to bail out the major bankers, speculators and bondholders of Europe at the behest of the unholy trinity of the EU/IMF/ECB with the Fine Gael/Labour government as its agent. And the potent weapon they can wield is a boycott of the registration and payment of the newly imposed Household Tax.
Build the ULA, build the fight back!
It’s just two months into this new Dail and the character of the new government is clear. Its the same as the old one, kneels before the ditaks of the EU/IMF, with the Labour Party in particular, arrogantly lecturing working class people to accept austerity cuts. As someone on the radio said, "Same circus, just different clowns!"