By Finghín Kelly
Since the general election, the renewed FF-FG government – this time propped up by the Lowry independents – have not been shy about showing their true colours and being bolder in putting forward more right-wing and pro-market policies.
This is clear in how they are more nakedly in favour of the housing speculators, landlords and profiteers. Micheál Martin announced that there would be a scrapping of the rent pressure zones, and a review put in place to look at a new system. There is no chance the new system will see a break for renters!
Boosting private sector in housing
Martin was clear that the new model will have to be one that attracts international capital, stating that “We need to pivot more strongly to getting more private sector investment into the market” and that they want “to create a stable environment for investment to flow into the sector …”. In other words, the already weak rent pressure zones that exist will be further watered down to deliver handsome and dependable profit. No chance of seeing affordable rents!
The approach of ‘let the market rip’ is also seen when Martin stated that the government will not provide for energy credits or a cost-of-living package in the next budget. These measures were extracted from the government through protest and political pressure. These amounted to hundreds of euros in one-off payments from child benefit to renters’ tax credits. Inflation has not gone away, and households have not had income rises to counter inflation. Ending these will see increases in real hardship for many.
Another area where the government felt pressure ahead of the election was on the question of Palestine. Although having an awful position on the genocide, due to the massive solidarity for the people of Palestine the government were pushed into committing to support the Occupied Territories Bill ahead of the recent election. Post election they are cynically ditching these pledges, committing only to passing a Bill that has no meaningful content.
Attacking migrants
The new Justice Minister, Jim O’Callaghan, took a move right out of the Trumpist playbook by organising a very public deportation of 32 Georgians, which included children, on a charter flight. This flight cost €102,000. Over €3,000 per person deported! This is about sending a message that they are a government that is anti-migrant and a clear move to incorporate far-right speaking points.
The latest example of a shift to the right is approving the ending of the so-called ‘triple lock’. This will make it easier for the Irish state to play a role in imperialist adventures of French, German and British capitalism in the coming years. In this context, the plan to boost military spending to €3bn a year, including a squadron of fighter jets, is to be understood.
The incorporation of Michael Lowry and his band of gombeen right-wing independents, many of whom have a record of whipping up racism and division, is also a sign of the political establishment’s shift to the right. Lowry was described as “Profoundly corrupt to a degree that was nothing short of breathtaking” by the Moriarty Tribunal. Brazenly bringing him into government and attacking the democratic rights of the opposition to facilitate it is another sign of this shift to the right.
Organise a fightback
The Trumpian mood music gives the political establishment more confidence to be itself. They feel they can be more vocal and evident in their right-wing policies. Behind it is also the political establishment here, seeing that capitalism is entering a more brutal phase. With increased risks for big business, they want to ensure that the rights, entitlements and expectations of working class people and the oppressed are pushed back and held in check.
It does not have to be this way. We should not have to pay the price for the multiple crises of the system. We need to organise against this government’s increasingly harsher policies.