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A new international treaty is currently being negotiated by the leaders of the EU. This treaty, currently called the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union, is a treaty to effectively institutionalise austerity across the European Union.
On 18 – 19 April the Dail will discuss the Medical Treatment (Termination of Pregnancy in Case of Risk to Life of Pregnant Woman) Bill 2012. This is the first time that a positive proposal to legalise abortion in Ireland has been initiated and in that sense it is a truly historic step forward. Of course it is long overdue and we fully recognise that it is merely a very tiny first step, but it is important nonetheless.
There is a central fallacy that has taken up much of the air time regarding Brian Cowen's performance as Taoiseach and has been obviously swallowed by the several pretenders to his position in the cabinet.
Recent revelations about Manchester Utd’s huge debts have placed a question mark over the viability of football in its current form – profit driven by big business. Could one of the biggest football clubs in the world suffer the same fate as Leeds United, bankrupted and abandoned by its former multi-millionaire owners?