Solidarity with hospital doctors – Support the strike!

Socialist Party Public representatives support Hospital  Doctors’  action for humane and safe working hour.

Socialist Party Public representatives support Hospital  Doctors’  action for humane and safe working hour.

Welcoming the Non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHD) decision to go on strike on Tuesday  the 8th October,

Paul Murphy, Socialist Party MEP said:

‘For over a decade now junior doctors have tried to negotiate a reduction of their working  hours, yet, their demands have been met with contempt and repeated misrepresentation by    successive governments and the HSE.  Contrary to the European Directive on working hours,  junior doctors in this country are forced to work illegal 100-hour shifts, putting their own well-being and that of their patients at risk. Young doctors are being pushed to the edge due to overwhelming stress and tiredness and this should not be allowed to happen.’

Joe Higgins Socialist Party TD commented:

‘The “24 NO MORE” campaign by the IMO must not be taken lightly by the Minister. NCHDs’ demands highlight the need for investment in health and an immediate increase of staff in our hospitals. However, instead of listening to the professionals involved who have been suffering for years, this government has chosen to savagely attack health services. As a result, a plethora of young doctors migrate every year looking for employment elsewhere.

‘The Socialist Party fully supports doctors in their industrial action tomorrow and any further action that might be necessary for their campaign for humane and safe working hours. We encourage everyone to support them for a safer patient care and decent working conditions in our hospitals.’

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