Solidarity with Dublin Bus workers on strike

Socialist Party TD Joe Higgins and MEP Paul Murphy support the strike action being taken by SIPTU, NBRU and TSSA Dublin Bus workers.

Socialist Party TD Joe Higgins and MEP Paul Murphy support the strike action being taken by SIPTU, NBRU and TSSA Dublin Bus workers.

Respond to the imposition of cuts in pay premia and conditions by Dublin Bus management on the workers Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy said:

“The workers at Dublin Bus face a loss of thousands in overtime payments as well as a radical worsening of conditions if the company’s demands are enforced. It’s no wonder that the ballots for action were so overwhelming. This is simply unaffordable and the workers have clearly been left with no alternative but to take this stand.

“We say simply that just as working people in general should not be made pay for the crisis in this country through failed austerity policies, the workers in Dublin Bus and indeed the other CIE companies should not be made responsible for cuts in the government subsidy and fuel price, as well as the undermining of Dublin Bus by allowing private sector encroachment on the most profitable parts of what should be an entirely publicly run transport system.”

Joe Higgins TD added

“Clearly the company have decided to provoke a confrontation at a time of the year when they think strike action will have the least impact. Likewise this is clearly part of a salami tactic whereby they have picked off Bus Eireann and fully intend moving on to Irish Rail workers with similar attacks once they achieve their objective at Dublin Bus. By joining the Dublin Bus action the Irish Rail workers would immensely strengthen their own position as well as that of their bus worker colleagues.

“In my view and the view of the Socialist Party the Bus Eireann workers whose strike action was solid three months ago were sold short in the eventual deal that was presented to them. The idea that it is ok to accept a modified amount of attacks on the basis that senior management will also take a hit does not wash.

“Likewise if this strike becomes prolonged there is a duty for the wider trade union movement and the left to raise funds and do what is necessary including impeding strike breaking efforts by the company in collusion with Minister Varadkar, and to build support in wider society to help sustain the struggle until the company backs town.

“Every successful attack on working people as whole or a section of workers furthers the crisis. That fact is understood by a growing amount of people

“The Haddington Road Agreement, the abolition of Registered Employment Agreements by the Supreme Court a number of months ago and the offensive by the CIE top management together with the imposition of the property tax  and impending water taxes taken together has to be seen as a frontal assault by the establishment on working people. Dublin Bus workers are on the front line. We should all support them.


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