New Book: Let us Rise!

This period is rich in lessons for working class people today. The struggle waged in 1913 is a beacon that can shine a bright light on the way forward, if its lessons are fully absorbed.

Rather than a simple retelling of the story of the Lockout this book has been produced by the Socialist Party with a number of particular focuses in mind including the role of women in the strike, the solidarity effort in Britain and the period after the Lockout which say a rapid recovery of the workers movement and a revolutionary tide across the country which receives scant acknowledgement by official Ireland.
Finally there is the question of how the events of 1913 are interpreted today by the workers movement. We include a piece by Joe Higgins TD in response to Jack O’Connor’s speech at Jim Larkin’s graveside earlier this year where, without a hint of shame, he claimed that Larkin would have supported the current strategy of trade union leaders like himself today whose stewardship of the movement since the crisis began has been marked by one surrender after another, the complete antithesis of Larkinism.
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