Irish Embassy protests take place around the world

On Wednesday 14 November, at short notice over 2,000 people gathered at the Dáil to mourn and protest the death of Savita Halappanavar. With calls of Never Again people demanded changes to Ireland’s backward abortion laws. At this protest Socialist Party Cllr. Ruth Coppinger announced Paul Murphy MEP’s call for an International day of Action for Legal Abortion in Ireland on Wednesday 21 November.

On Wednesday 14 November, at short notice over 2,000 people gathered at the Dáil to mourn and protest the death of Savita Halappanavar. With calls of Never Again people demanded changes to Ireland’s backward abortion laws. At this protest Socialist Party Cllr. Ruth Coppinger announced Paul Murphy MEP’s call for an International day of Action for Legal Abortion in Ireland on Wednesday 21 November.

The Socialist Party then called on other sections of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) around the world along with other groups to hold protests in their cities and hand letters of protest in to Irish Embassies where possible.

Events were organised with assistance from our members in Bangalore in India, Vienna, Brussels, London, Edinburgh, Stockholm, and Hong Kong. Other groups and individuals helped to build events in University College Cork, Limerick, Belfast, Rome, New York, and Berlin as well as a rally of 1,500 people at the Dáil.

Paul Murphy also initiated a letter of protest which 53 MEPs have signed to be sent to the Irish Government.

Photos can be seen here.


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