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Bye election shows that Labour is on the ropes
History repeats itself for the Labour Party in the Meath East Bye Election 2013. Just under thirty years ago the Labour Party was humiliated in a Bye election in the Dublin Central constituency against a political background uncannily reminiscent to the present day. The vacancy was occasioned by the sudden death of former Fianna Fail Minister, George Colley.
Resistance – only way to stop €1,000 austerity taxes
“Introducing a property tax will prove one of this Government’s most difficult challenges. It may even prove intractable.” - Noel Whelan, Irish Times, 1 September. The Government’s new property tax will hit households many times harder than this year’s household tax. The International Monetary Fund have called on the Government to introduce the property tax at a “suitably high” rate.
Tens of thousands demonstrate and rally against Household Tax
Saturday 31 March was the deadline set by the Irish government for 1.86 million households in the south of Ireland to register for their new household tax. The €100 tax is an interim charge before the introduction of a new property and water taxes in 2013 and 2014. People were told that if they did not register and pay it by the time of the deadline they would face penalties and threat of court appearances and substantial fines of up to €2,500 and €100 for every day that this is not paid.
Trade Union movement needs to take Greek lessons – No ‘social partnership’
Taoiseach's blunt warning at ICTU conference of more attacks on working people is a fresh declaration of class war which requires a like response