Press Release: Paul Murphy MEP to travel to Greece to assist Syriza

“I am looking forward to joining in with Syriza’s vital election campaign over the next few days. During my trip I will be blogging daily on my website, Those opposed to disastrous austerity policies across Europe will all be looking to Greece and hoping for a victory of Syriza. If a left government committed to fighting the austerity policies being pushed by the capitalist establishment can be formed, it will have huge political implications across Europe. It will challenge the ideological onslaught which says that there is no alternative to austerity policies and demonstrate that policies that put the needs of working people before the profits of banks and bondholders can be implemented.

“I am looking forward to joining in with Syriza’s vital election campaign over the next few days. During my trip I will be blogging daily on my website, Those opposed to disastrous austerity policies across Europe will all be looking to Greece and hoping for a victory of Syriza. If a left government committed to fighting the austerity policies being pushed by the capitalist establishment can be formed, it will have huge political implications across Europe. It will challenge the ideological onslaught which says that there is no alternative to austerity policies and demonstrate that policies that put the needs of working people before the profits of banks and bondholders can be implemented.


“The horror facing people in Greece is as a result of austerity heaped upon austerity. The struggle of the Greek workers and poor against the austerity dictats is a struggle for working people inIreland too. A common struggle needs to be developed against the rule of the capitalist markets and for socialist change in Europe, where the vast wealth that exists would be used for the benefits of the millions rather than the multi-millionaires.”

Programme for Paul Murphy:

  • Thursday 14 June – 7.30pm – Participate in final televised Syriza election rally in Athens.
  • Friday 15 June – 10am – Athens – Press conference for local and international media
  • Friday 15 June – evening – Paul Murphy to speak at two Syriza election rallies, one in Nea Ionia and one in Patisia
  • Sunday 17 June – 7pm – rally at time of exit polls emerging



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