Protest Against Cuts to SNAs

A protest is being organised by the Alliance Against Cuts in Education (ACE) on September 14th at 4pm outside the Dail, to protest the cuts in SNAs and Resource Teachers.

A protest is being organised by the Alliance Against Cuts in Education (ACE) on September 14th at 4pm outside the Dail, to protest the cuts in SNAs and Resource Teachers.

The government is cutting Special needs Assistants and resource teachers for the most needy children and young people. If allowed proceed, these cuts will set education back decades, effecting teaching for all children. Those with learning difficulties will be pushed out of mainstream schools or drop out of school early.

Parents, SNAs and teachers are coming together to stop this appalling attack. Children should not be victimised so that the private gambling debts of bankers, speculators and big business are paid. ACE (Alliance Against Cuts in education) is a recent coming together of groups of parents, SNAs, teachers and others concerned about the attack on the right to education for every child.

We will specifically campaign to reverse the cuts in special needs and resource education.

We demand:

  • No cap on Special needs Assistants – an SNA for every child who needs one. everyone has the right to education
  • Stop the cuts to resource teaching, visiting Traveller teachers and English Language support
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