Limerick: Protesters drop giant anti-IMF banner from castle

A group of protestors staged a symbolic protest in Limerick this morning, occupying King John’s Castle and dropping ag giant banner saying “Limerick Says No to IMF Dictatorship” in response to the ongoing IMF visit to Ireland and last nights downgrading of Irish bonds to Junk status. They are calling on people to come out on Saturday and join  a larger public rally outside Penney’s at 2pm which has been organsied by various groups and individuals. Today’s protest was organised by Socialist Youth to  “send a clear message to our new Kings in the IMF and international banks: the people of Limerick will not stand for this new rule. People can’t take the cuts in SNAs, health, education and welfare that they are demanding.”

A group of protestors staged a symbolic protest in Limerick this morning, occupying King John’s Castle and dropping ag giant banner saying “Limerick Says No to IMF Dictatorship” in response to the ongoing IMF visit to Ireland and last nights downgrading of Irish bonds to Junk status. They are calling on people to come out on Saturday and join  a larger public rally outside Penney’s at 2pm which has been organsied by various groups and individuals. Today’s protest was organised by Socialist Youth to  “send a clear message to our new Kings in the IMF and international banks: the people of Limerick will not stand for this new rule. People can’t take the cuts in SNAs, health, education and welfare that they are demanding.”

“Moody’s announcement last night just confirms what the dogs on the street already know: Ireland will default. It is now time for the government to stop the pretense that everything is ok and remove its head from the sand.  The ‘troika’ – our new rulers – are here this week to pass down their policy decrees. The government, if it had any neck, would refuse to implement these diktats of hospital closures, Special Needs Assistant cuts and attacks on the lowest paid workers.

“Many people are asking: What about democracy? What about letting the speculators take their losses? Why should I pay?

“But grumbling does nothing. Only action can show them our opposition. So let’s have Limerick truly “Stand Up and Fight”. Say no to the IMF Dictatorship. Demand real democracy, jobs and decent services. However the IMF diktats are affecting you, whatever your issue, bring your placard and join the resistance.

“Instead of pouring billions more down the black-hole of interest repayments, while savaging the living standards of working people, we must now refuse to pay the debts to the banks and super-rich speculators. Instead, the wealth and assets of the super-rich in Ireland must be targeted through progressive taxation and corporation tax should be raised to close the gap between public expenditure and revenue. Key natural resources like Corrib gas must be brought into democratic public ownership together with the key sectors of the economy to enable a truly democratic plan to be put in place to get people back to work, redevelop the economy and put the interests of the millions before those of the millionaires.

“Join the protest this Saturday July 16th, in Limerick City Center, Outside Penney’s on O’Connell Street at 2pm on Saturday July 16th”


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Downgrading of Irish debt to junk status brings inevitable default ever closer

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Ireland’s economic crisis: EU will bleed us dry!

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Dear Editor, SIPTU General President Jack O’Connor’s attack on the angry workers and pensioners who were demanding action, including strike action, to fight the ongoing assault on their livelihood and living standards during ICTU President Eugene McGlone’s speech at last Saturday’s pre budget protest and his attempt to claim political orchestration is a transparent ruse to shift attention away from the inaction of trade union leaders in response to the austerity agenda.