Shell’s work on the Corrib pipeline must be halted immediately

Calls for mobilisation to “Days of Action” this Friday and Saturday to support protests by local residents and campaigners.

Calls for mobilisation to “Days of Action” this Friday and Saturday to support protests by local residents and campaigners.

I fully support the protests organised by local residents in Rossport against Shell’s attempts to restart work on the controversial Corrib pipeline.  Shell, backed up the Irish state, has consistently ignored the concerns of local residents in relation to the health and safety of the pipeline which will transport unrefined, raw gas under high pressure through the area.

I am also deeply concerned by reports that a number of protestors have been badly beaten, including one person who has suspected broken ribs, by members of the Gardaí as well as by members of a private security company employed by Shell, IRM-S.

It is an indictment of the current Fine Gael / Labour Party government that they are allowing Shell to proceed with these works while the lives and livelihoods of the people of Erris are at risk.

This government intends to further savage the living standards of working people, yet they accept a situation where Shell will massively profit from the give-away of our natural resources. The gas and oil in Irish waters must be nationalised and brought into democratic public ownership. The massive wealth of the Corrib gas field and Ireland’s other natural resources should not be used to further increase the profits of billionaire multinationals and instead should be used to provide investment in job creation, healthcare and education.

Days of Action against Shell in Rossport have been called by local residents and Shell to Sea campaigners for this Friday and Saturday. I intend to travel to Rossport this Saturday with many other Socialist Party members to join the protests against Shell and call on everyone else who can to do so too.

For information, confirmation and comment:

Paul Murphy MEP – 01 6795030


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