Dublin Mid West: Rob Connolly

Rob Connolly has been active for years on many issues affecting  working people and communities in Dublin. Rob first became active in the anti water charges in the mid 1990s. That mass campaign was able to defeat the ‘Rainbow’ government of Labour, Fine Gael and Democratic Left, forcing them to abolish the hated tax nationally.

Rob Connolly has been active for years on many issues affecting  working people and communities in Dublin. Rob first became active in the anti water charges in the mid 1990s. That mass campaign was able to defeat the ‘Rainbow’ government of Labour, Fine Gael and Democratic Left, forcing them to abolish the hated tax nationally.


Rob was also actively involved in the battle against the Bin Tax. We will need such active resistance and mass non-payment to fight the new   Water Charges and a Home Tax.

Rob was an organiser of the End Low Pay Campaign which fought for    the introduction of a minimum wage but demanded that it be higher and without exemptions. Fighting low pay is now crucial again.

Rob has been unemployed for significant periods and feels that organising the unemployed and fighting for decent jobs for all is a key priority.


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