Nestle clarification

The Socialist Party received the attached letter from Nestlé complaining about the Socialist Party’s use of their copyrighted logo (for which we did not seek their permission) on our poster concerning the issue of workers’ rights. The use of the logo and that of other high profile multinationals to replace the stars on the EU flag was designed to convey our view that the EU is run primarily in the interests of the multinational corporations. However, as can be seen from the Nestlé letter, they fear that the appearance of their logo conveys the notion that the Socialist Party’s No to Lisbon campaign is supported by Nestlé! The Socialist Party is more than happy to clarify publically to anybody who thinks otherwise from viewing the poster that Nestlé do not support the objectives of the Socialist Party.
The Socialist Party received the attached letter from Nestlé complaining about the Socialist Party’s use of their copyrighted logo (for which we did not seek their permission) on our poster concerning the issue of workers’ rights.

The use of the logo and that of other high profile multinationals to replace the stars on the EU flag was designed to convey our view that the EU is run primarily in the interests of the multinational corporations.

However, as can be seen from the Nestlé letter, they fear that the appearance of their logo conveys the notion that the Socialist Party’s No to Lisbon campaign is supported by Nestlé!

The Socialist Party is more than happy to clarify publically to anybody who thinks otherwise from viewing the poster that Nestlé do not support the objectives of the Socialist Party.

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