Many issues have come up so far in the Lisbon debate, some very relevant, some less so. The key issues the Socialist Party have been raising so far are workers rights, public services and miltarisation. Elsewhere Joe Higgins has looked at the issue of workers' rights and public services. Here, he goes into precisely how Lisbon boosts the armaments industry and is another step towards a militarised EU.
Campaign Against Household and Water Tax public meetings held this week in Waterford (700), Carlow (400) and elsewhere clearly show a growing mood of angry opposition to the Government's household tax.
On Saturday 10 April in an angry but peaceful protest up to 3,000 people marched from Parnell Square in Dublin to the Dail to express their disgust at the killing of 15 year old Toyosi Shitta-bey from Tyrelstown in Blanchardstown on Good Friday.