Vote Socialist Party on June 5th

IRELAND IS experiencing the worst recession of any industrialised country since the 1930s. This is the legacy of Fianna Fail’s 12 years in power. Fianna Fail and the Greens have introduced two draconian budgets that have cost working class people thousands in extra levies, taxes, and lost allowances. 500,000 will be unemployed by Christmas.

IRELAND IS experiencing the worst recession of any industrialised country since the 1930s. This is the legacy of Fianna Fail’s 12 years in power.

Fianna Fail and the Greens have introduced two draconian budgets that have cost working class people thousands in extra levies, taxes, and lost allowances. 500,000 will be unemployed by Christmas.

By Stephen Boyd

– Punish Fianna Fail and the Greens

– Elect real fighters

Working class people are being made pay for the crisis. Yet the super-rich property developers, the bankers and big business who caused the recession are getting off scot free.

On the 5 June you will have the opportunity to punish Fianna Fail and the Greens by voting for Socialist Party candidates.

The government has said there is at least five more years of attacks to come. Children’s Allowance, the minimum wage, social welfare benefits – all will be cut in the next budget. Water charges and third level fees are on the way back.

Public spending is being cut by €16 billion – what will the health service and our children’s education be like when Fianna Fail and the Greens are finished?

Unemployment is skyrocketing, mass emigration looms on the horizon, whilst the wages of those still in work are being cut all across the economy. On the 5 June you should elect real fighters who are committed to opposing and campaigning against the five years of attacks ahead.

You can make a difference

Vote Socialist Party No.1


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