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Britain: Survey diverts focus away from power of working class
"Emergent service workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains" doesn't have the same ring to it, was one response to the recently published Great British Class Survey, which itself concluded that traditional social divisions of upper, middle and working class are out of date in 21st century Britain.
State & media shame over victimisation of Roma families
The recent cases where two children were taken from their Roma families in Tallaght and Athlone and placed in the care of the HSE by the Gardaí, solely on the grounds that they looked different to their parents, highlights the discrimination that this group faces on a daily basis.
Global warming: Capitalists skating on thin ice
The National Snow and Ice Data Centre is expected to announce a new low in the extent of the arctic sea ice. The shrinking of the arctic polar ice sheet has shocked climate scientists around the world and is now only half the area of summer ice in the 1970s.
Don’t pay the Household Tax
The government’s proposed Household Charge of €100 is the forerunner for water charges and a property tax on every home. A pensioner or low paid worker pays the same as a millionaire. How rotten! This new tax has absolutely nothing to do with improving council services – the proceeds go towards the bailout of wealthy gamblers and bankers, for which ordinary people are being bled dry.