Fight back – We want you to join the Socialist Party

AS THE advert says, “Do you remember the Celtic Tiger?” – well it’s long gone and working class people are being hammered by the Celtic recession. Now is the time to get organised to fight back. The trade union leaders have again, been found wanting. They allowed the imposition of the pensions levy, the income levies and massive attacks on our public services. As a direct result of these attacks thousands of workers are being made redundant in the public sector. The average family has lost thousands of euro and the trade unions have done nothing. They have sat on their hands while tens of thousands of workers have been thrown onto the dole.

AS THE advert says, “Do you remember the Celtic Tiger?” – well it’s long gone and working class people are being hammered by the Celtic recession.

Now is the time to get organised to fight back. The trade union leaders have again, been found wanting. They allowed the imposition of the pensions levy, the income levies and massive attacks on our public services. As a direct result of these attacks thousands of workers are being made redundant in the public sector. The average family has lost thousands of euro and the trade unions have done nothing. They have sat on their hands while tens of thousands of workers have been thrown onto the dole.

What is more, these attacks are only the start. The budget next December will include more of the same. If these attacks are to be resisted, workers will need to get organised and fight back. The Socialist Party doesn’t accept that working class people should have to pay for the profiteering and speculation of the bankers and property developers.

This crisis has exposed the capitalist system, where greed and the drive for profits at all costs has ended in a economic catastrophe for workers and their families.

Instead the Socialist Party fights for a completely different economic alternative – socialism – which puts workers and their families first.

In a socialist society the major companies which dominate our lives would be brought into public ownership under the democratic control of working class people. This would be the basis for fundamentally changing society and building a socialist alternative to the madness of the market.

Wherever workers, communities and young people are fighting to defend their rights and interests, the Socialist Party is there beside them. Whether it was the GAMA workers, the Visteon occupation, the Belfast Airport Workers, water charges, the British miners or the recent struggles at Waterford Crystal or SR Technics then the Socialist Party has given its whole hearted support and assistance.

When Waterford Crystal announced the closure of their plant in Kilbarry, the Socialist Party supported the occupation. We argued that since the government had found the money to bail out the bankers, they should nationalise the plant to save the jobs. We advocated the same in relation to SR Technics, Dell and other companies threatening closure. We believe the only way to save jobs is by determined action by workers themselves and we will support any group of workers who take action to defend their jobs.

When the government re-introduce water charges, the Socialist Party will be to the fore in organising communities against this double tax, like we did to defeat them in the mid-90s and with the bin charges. No other party has a record like the Socialist Party in fighting to defend the rights of working people.

Voting for the Socialist Party in the local and European elections is the best way to punish the government parties. But you should go further that just casting your vote.

Capitalism has failed and it is a system that needs to be replaced. The Socialist Party is committed to building a viable political alternative that can unite the majority of people in a struggle for socialism.

We want you to join the Socialist Party – every new member has an important role to play in helping to build a political alternative to the capitalist establishment parties. Join us today and join the struggle for a socialist society.

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