mobile phone mast halted in Bayside!

QUICK ACTION by residents in Bayside Square resulted in Fingal County Council being forced to move to prevent an application for a mobile phone mast by Threefold on the roof of the Squash & Leisure Building as exempted development, as the building contains a creche.

QUICK ACTION by residents in Bayside Square resulted in Fingal County Council being forced to move to prevent an application for a mobile phone mast by Threefold on the roof of the Squash & Leisure Building as exempted development, as the building contains a creche.

Following information leaflets and a meeting organised by local Socialist Party rep Brian Greene the owner of the premises was eager to confirm that the mobile phone company would NOT be proceeding with the application through the normal planning route.

This is a magnificent victory for the local community and is a direct result of the vigilance of residents on this issue. 

Not only that but research by Brian Greene has resulted in Fingal County Council investigating an existing mast on the site which was illegally erected.

[update 28/04] 8 weeks later the council are still investigating what Vodafone have installed at the premises and when they may have installed it. 

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