What you can do

Across Europe, the bosses and right-wing governments are trying to make ordinary people pay the price for their crisis. Workers and young people need to link up the many struggles taking place into co-ordinated, united action against attacks on our wages, conditions and futures. The 21-26 June will see a Europe-Wide week of Protest and Solidarity against the bosses’ onslaught with protests, pickets and public meetings being organised in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, Greece, Denmark, Cyprus, Italy & Sweden.

EU Protest Poster FINAL   Fonts Across Europe, the bosses and right-wing governments are trying to make ordinary people pay the price for their crisis. Workers and young people need to link up the many struggles taking place into co-ordinated, united action against attacks on our wages, conditions and futures. The 21-26 June will see a Europe-Wide week of Protest and Solidarity against the bosses’ onslaught with protests, pickets and public meetings being organised in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, Greece, Denmark, Cyprus, Italy & Sweden.


Help build for a major mobilisation in Ireland against the neoliberal policies of the Fianna Fáil / Green Party government as well as showing your solidarity with working people throughout Europe in their struggles.

  • Join the demonstration at 1pm on Saturday, 26 June at Central Bank Plaza, Dublin
  • Ask your union branch, campaign or community group, residents’ association to endorse the protest and to bring along banners, flags etc.
  • Encourage your friends, family and colleagues to come along
  • Contact us to get leaflets and posters advertising the protest 01-6795030 / 26juneprotest@gmail.com
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The need for a united European response of workers against the attacks

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"Rashers, applying his mind to the matter, began at the beginning. Anything that lived; men, women, children; dogs, pigeons, monkeys; even lesser things like cockroaches, flies and fleas, had to eat. He had been of their company for long enough to sympathise with them all - the child rooting in the ashbin, the cat slinking along the gutter, the cockroach delicately questing along the wooden joins of the floor, its grey blue body corrugated with anxiety. These were sometimes his competitors, but more often his brothers. He could never watch a dog nosing in a bin without a feeling of sympathy and fellowship."